Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wordpress 3.1.8 odesk test exam part 2

User Level 10 converts to …

a.       Contributor
b.      Author
c.       Editor
d.      Subscriber
e.       Administrator

Ans: e

Which of the following role levels has the highest privilege?

a.       Level_0
b.      Level_10
c.       Depends on your settings.
d.      Every role level has the same privilege.

Ans: b

43 Does author have the ability to create a category?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: b

Post, Page, Custom Content Types, Taxonomies, and Fields

44 A possible way to allow the display of several authors' names on one post is to ______

a.       update the database
b.      change the admin settings
c.       change the config files
d.      use a plug-in

Ans: d

Which of the following methods can be used to enable posting via e-mail?

a.       Installing the wp-emailpost plug-in.
b.      Configuring the feature in admin settings.
c.       Using a widget.
d.      This feature is not available in WordPress.

Ans: b

Image size limits can be set _______________.

a.       directly in the posts
b.      in the wp-image resize plug-in
c.       in the admin settings
d.      a and b

Ans: c

A taxonomy is a _______

a.       category
b.      term
c.       group of terms

Ans: c

in which version were custom taxonomies introduced?

a.       2.3
b.      2.7
c.       2.8
d.      3.0
e.       3.1

Ans: a

Which of the below functions is required to create a new taxonomy?

a.       add_taxonomy
b.      register_taxonomy
c.       create_taxonomy

Ans: b

Which of the following methods is required to post html code for others to read?
a.       Replacing special characters with corresponding html codes or character codes.
b.      Using the <code> tag.
c.       Using the <pre> tag.
d.      None of the above: WordPress auto-replaces special characters with substituted characters.

Ans: a

Can you set individual password for each post?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: a

Who of the following persons can read a post locked by password?
a.       Only administrators, editors and authors
b.      Registered users who knows a password
c.       Anyone who knows a password

Ans: c

What is the limitation to the depth of your categories?
a.       10 levels
b.      20 levels
c.       No limit levels

Ans: c

Can you set the same slug for two categories that have different parents?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: b

Note: Categories must have distinct slugs. Even if two categories have different parents and would therefore have different permalinks, you can’t assign them the same slug.

Can a post belong to more than one category?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: a

Can you limit the number of revisions WordPress stores by _____

a.       adding the following line to your wp-config.php file: define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);
b.      using a plugin
c.       changing a setting on admin panel

Ans: a,b

Are categories and tags not available for pages?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: a

Plug-ins & Widgets

Which of following action must be performed before using Akismet Plugin?

a.       Simply install it.
b.      Create an account at
c.       Create an account for this plug-in on your own site.

Ans: b

Which of the following tasks should be performed before installing any widget?

a.       Verify whether the widget directory is in "write mode".
b.      Verify that plug-ins can be installed on your version of WordPress.
c.       Verify that your WordPress theme is widget-ready.
d.      None of the above tasks should be performed.

Ans: c

In order to display a widget, the user must _________________.

a.       set the "show property" of the desired widget to "true"
b.      drag the desired widget to the side bar
c.       add the desired widget to the post
d.      change the source code

Ans: b

To manually make the sidebar widget-ready, the user must ______________.
a.       modify the sidebar.php file
b.      enable it in the admin settings
c.       change the index.php file

Ans: a

Which of the following methods can be used to eliminate spam?

a.       Using the wp-captcha-free plug-in.
b.      Using the askimet plug-in.
c.       Using a widget.
d.      None of the above.
e.       a and b

Ans: e


Which of the following tasks must be performed to add a favicon icon to your site?

a.       Upload a favicon icon to your site.
b.      Add a favicon icon link to the theme's header file or update the existing favicon icon link to the new one.
c.       Change the favicon icon in admin settings.
d.      The favicon icon cannot be changed.
e.       a and b
f.       b and c

Ans: e

How can a logo be placed on a WordPress header?

a.       Manually add the logo to the source code.
b.      Upload a new logo in admin settings.
c.       Update the logo path in the config file.

Ans: a

Which of the following theme files can be used to customize the "page not found error" error page?
a.       index.php
b.      404.php
c.       functions.php
d.      page.php

Ans: b

Is the functions.php file required in each theme?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: b

Which of the following files are required for completing your theme?
a.       Index.php
b.      Style.css
c.       Index.php and style.css
d.      Index.php and functions.php

Ans: c

What is the name of theme file for a page with slug ‘about’?
a.       page-slug-about.php
b.      page-about.php
c.       about.php

Ans: b

What is the name of theme file for a page with id ‘3’?
a.       page-id-3.php
b.      page-3.php
c.       3.php

Ans: b

‘Slug’ is higher priority in use than ‘id’ in Template Hierarchy?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: a

Can you create a specific theme file for a custom content type?
a.       Yes
b.      No

Ans: a

What is the right order (by priority in use) to display page in Template Hierarchy?
a. page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, index.php
b. page-{id}.php, page-{slug}.php, page.php, index.php
c. page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, archive.php, index.php
d. page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, 404.php

Ans: a

What is the right order (by priority in use) to display category in Template Hierarchy?
a. category -{slug}.php, category-{id}.php, category.php, index.php
b. category -{id}.php, category-{slug}.php, category.php, index.php
c. category -{slug}.php, category-{id}.php, category.php, archive.php, index.php
d. category -{slug}.php, category-{id}.php, category.php, 404.php

Ans: c

What is the right order (by priority in use) to display tag in Template Hierarchy?
a. tag -{slug}.php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php, index.php
b. tag -{id}.php, tag -{slug}.php, tag.php, index.php
c. tag -{slug}.php, tag -{id}.php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php
d. tag -{slug}.php, tag -{id}.php, tag.php, 404.php

Ans: c

What is the right order (by priority in use) to display taxonomies in Template Hierarchy?
a. taxonomy -{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy-{id}.php, taxonomy.php, index.php
b. taxonomy -{taxonomy}-{term}.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php
c. taxonomy -{ taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php
d. taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php

Ans: b


Where can Google Adsense be integrated into a WordPress blog?

a.       Only in the sidebar.
b.      Only in the header.
c.       Anywhere.
d.      Only in the content.

Ans: c

One way to get posts from a specific day is to ____________________.

a.       use the query_day loop in the source code
b.      use the query_posts loop in the source code
c.       Neither: WordPress does not allow this action.

Ans: b

The "function_exists()" function can be used to check whether a plug-in is activated or not.
a.       True
b.      False

Ans: a

Conditional tags can be used to _______________________.

a.       get all comments from one post
b.      get all posts from one category
c.       change the content to be displayed
d.      None of the above: conditional tags are not available in WordPress.

Ans: c

The WordPress loop can be used ____________________.

a.       to retrieve any data in WordPress
b.      to display every post
c.       only for calculation
d.      WordPress loop cannot be used for any purpose.

Ans: b

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