Thursday, April 18, 2013

Html Head

 Html Head

<html>, <head>, and <body>, delimit certain sections of the HTML document.

                       The <html> tag

                       The <html>tag surrounds the entire HTML document. This tag tells the client
                       browser where the document begins and ends.

                           ... document contents ...

                       Additional language options were declared within the <html>tag in previous
                       versions of HTML. However, those options (notably langand dir) have been
                       deprecated in HTML version 4.0. The language and directional information is
                       routinely contained in the document type declaration (<!DOCTYPE>).

                       The <head> tag

                       The <head>tag delimits the heading of the HTML document. The heading section of
                       the document contains certain heading information for the document. The
                       document’s title, meta information, and, in most cases, document scripts are all
                       contained in the <head>section. A typical <head>section could resemble the

                             <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“/styles.css”>
                             <title>Title of the Document</title>
                             <meta name=“description” content=“Sample Page”>
                             <meta name=“keywords” content=“sample, heading, page”>
                             <script language=“JavaScript”>
                               function NewWindow(url){

                  Cross-     Most <head>level tags are covered in detail in Chapter 3. JavaScript scripting
                  Reference  is covered in more detail in Chapters 15 and 28. <html>, <head>, and <body>, delimit certain sections of the HTML document.

                       The <html> tag

                       The <html>tag surrounds the entire HTML document. This tag tells the client
                       browser where the document begins and ends.

                           ... document contents ...

                       Additional language options were declared within the <html>tag in previous
                       versions of HTML. However, those options (notably langand dir) have been
                       deprecated in HTML version 4.0. The language and directional information is
                       routinely contained in the document type declaration (<!DOCTYPE>).

                       The <head> tag

                       The <head>tag delimits the heading of the HTML document. The heading section of
                       the document contains certain heading information for the document. The
                       document’s title, meta information, and, in most cases, document scripts are all
                       contained in the <head>section. A typical <head>section could resemble the

                             <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“/styles.css”>
                             <title>Title of the Document</title>
                             <meta name=“description” content=“Sample Page”>
                             <meta name=“keywords” content=“sample, heading, page”>
                             <script language=“JavaScript”>
                               function NewWindow(url){

                  Cross-     Most <head>level tags are covered in detail in Chapter 3. JavaScript scripting
                  Reference  is covered in more detail in Chapters 15 and 28.

Specifying Document Type

                 Specifying Document Type :                                                

                       One attribute of HTML documents that is frequently Images
                       overlooked is the Document Type Definition (DTD). This
                       definition precedes any document tags and exists to inform Comments
                       client browsers of the format of the following content—what
                       tags to expect, methods to support, and so forth. Scripts

                       The <!DOCTYPE>tag is used to specify an existing DTD. The Putting it All Together
                       DTD contains all the elements, definitions, events, and so on
                       associated with the document type. A DOCTYPEtag resembles                
                       the following:

                       <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN”

                       This tag specifies the following information:

                          ✦  The document’s top tag level is HTML (html).

                          ✦  The document adheres to the formal public identity (FPI)
                             “W3C HTML 4.01 Strict English” standards (PUBLIC “-//
                             W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN”).



What does HTML4.0 add? Not somuchne welements—although those do exist—as
are thinking of the direction HTM Li staking.Up until now, HTML has encouraged
interjecting presentation information into the page.HTML4.0 now clearly